Archive for December, 2008


Dick Cheney doesn’t know why people don’t like him.

December 29, 2008

I’m copying another poster’s response from Digg, who pretty much broke it down for his convenience:

Mr. Cheney, let me help your understand this.

You were the primary architect of a war against a sovereign country based on deliberately fabricated intelligence.

You then lied to the electorate who entrusted you with the second highest office about the threat this country posed to the United States.

You failed to complete the military actions started in Afghanastan.

Your administration has created massive debt based on these two wars for which future Americans will be paying for many years.

Your personal assistant was involved in a political revenge act that resulted in the disclosure of a United States secret intelligence agent.

Your administration failed to act decisively or correctly when a major American city was destroyed.

Your administration has destroyed the American reputation as a government and country where justice and fairness reigns.

You have admitted to authorizing torture, a principal that is completely opposite all American values throughout our history.

Your administration has caused hundreds of thousands of deaths and destroyed an entire country and its civilization.

Your administration has created a legislative environment where the climate of the world is at jeopardy.

Your administration ( a republican one at that) authorized the effective nationalization of the banking system, effectively dealing a death blow to capitalism.

Your administration failed to act decisively, when warned, in stemming the damage in the sub prime mortgage market which has subsequently led to the largest economic failure in the last 75 years, and even more likely the largest economic disaster in human history.

I am not going to pass comment on whether some of these actions were illegal. History or subsequent investigations should provide that answer.

History will not judge the Bush/Cheney years in any favorable light. It’s true there has not been another terrorist attack on the US mainland since 9/11, but the price we have paid in personal liberty and sacrifices to the Constitution will be balanced against that victory, and again I think history will not be a favorable judge.

I honestly do not understand how you or anyone in the Bush administration can seriously think history will judge you in any other light than as a complete and total failure of stupendous magnitude.

So long, Dick.


The experiment requires that you continue.

December 21, 2008

I first learned about Milgram’s experiments in my Psych class in College. The Prof. showed us a video of the actual experiment, and I remember the horror of it quite vividly to this day.

Milgram proved that most “ordinary” people will inflict grave physical harm on an anonymous person when an “Authority” figure tells them to proceed.

I was stunned a few days ago, when I read that the experiment was done again recently. I imagine some of the particpants who were later briefed felt a profound sense of shame at what they had done (this is one reason the experiment was so controversial). The results of the new study, confirmed the findings of the original experiment.

We do what we’re told
We do what we’re told
We do what we’re told
Told to do

We do what we’re told
We do what we’re told
We do what we’re told
Told to do

One doubt
One voice
One war
One truth
One dream

(Peter Gabriel)


The Legacy

December 12, 2008

So Bush is out on tour trying to salvage his legacy of the past 8 years. Let’s hear the talking points:

1. Bush kept America safe.

Reality: over 4200 American soldiers killed since the start of this unnecessary war. Countless new terrorists spawned as a reaction over the disgraceful treatment of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

2. Bush responded boldly to the economic crisis.

Reality Check: Any asshole can act boldly. Boldness does not imply thoughtfulness and visionary eadership. The crisis was a result of lack of regulation and unfettered greed. The bailouts will not solve the issue if the banks and auto companies go back to business as usual. There was no strategic long term solution proposed by Bush.

3. Bush has restored honor to the Office of the President.

Reality check: Misleading congress and the American people into going to war. Shredding basic rights guaranteed by the constitution. Irreparable damage to the environment from weakening anti-pollution regulations, ultimately not acting in the best interest of the welfare of the nation, and future generations.

Honor to the Office?



well at least they’re being honest about it

December 10, 2008

Apparently, student cheating is at an all-time high. I think the tendency to cheat has always been there – but now the technology is making it easier. The only real difference in integrity, is that now students are being honest about cheating.



December 8, 2008

I wonder if the Koolaid in Germany tastes exactly the same…

Apple Store Opening in Munich